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RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library - Common issues

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These are some common issues that you should be aware of. If you're having trouble, you may want to look through these to see if any apply to you or may be the source of your problem.

Tooltips not working as of the October 2010 release

If you're specifying numbers instead of strings for your tooltips, they will not work any more. Simply cast them to strings, like this:

// This WILL NOT work any more
myBar.Set('chart.tooltips', [56, 67, 53]);

// Do any of these instead
myBar.Set('chart.tooltips', ['56', (67).toString(), String(53)]);

Annotations aren't saved when running locally in Mozilla Firefox

The solution here is to run the graphs using a web server. At this time (March 2010) only Safari, Chrome and Opera support saving annotations when running locally.

Missing text in Google Chrome

Since one of the Chrome 4 dev releases there has been an issue with Google Chrome 4 and 5, asynchronous processing and not rendering graph labels. This has been remedied by simply not using asynchronous processing. Because of the tag placement on the front page, the effect shouldn't be apparent. Other browsers (eg Firefox, Safari, Opera, MSIE) are fine.

Firefox, tooltips and the clipboard

Firefox, tooltips and using the clipboard is a little convoluted. To copy the text in a tooltip you must do the following:

  1. Select the text you want with the mouse.
  2. Press CTRL+C (it may be a different key combination if you're not using Windows) to copy the text to the clipboard.

Note: Recent versions of Firefox 4 (from beta 6 onwards) appear to work as expected, and you can copy text with the mouse as normal.

Shadows in Google Chrome and the line chart

Shadows in recent versions of Google Chrome are somewhat broken. Firefox, MSIE, Opera and Safari are fine. The reason for this error is a combination of factors it seems - shadow blurring and line width. Fixes have been added to allow shadow blurring and a 1 pixel linewidth, though some graph types may still be affected.