RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library - Progress bar documentation

The example file is here.

    window.onload = function ()
        var myProgress = new RGraph.Progess('myProgress', 78, 100);    
        myProgress.Set('chart.color', 'red');

Available properties

You can use these properties to control how the progress bar apears. You can set them by using the Set() method. Eg:

myProgress.Set('name', 'value');

chart.gutter The size of the gutter.
Default: 25
chart.color The color of the bar. This can be a solid color, or a gradient that you create.
Default: #0c0
chart.background.color The background color.
Default: #eee
chart.tickmarks Whether the tickmarks are drawn.
Default: true
chart.value The indicated value. You don't need to set this because it's one of the arguments to the constructor. chart.max The maximum value. You don't need to set this because it's one of the arguments to the constructor.
chart.numticks How many tick marks there are.
Default: 10
chart.orientation Either horizontal (the default) or vertical determining how the progress bar is shown.
Default: horizontal
chart.shadow Whether the progress bar has a shadow. This uses the canvas shadow API and therefore is only supported on Chrome 2, Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3.1 (and above).
Default: false
chart.shadow.offsetx The X offset of the progress bar shadow.
Default: 3
chart.shadow.offsety The Y offset of the progress bar shadow.
Default: 3
chart.shadow.color The color of the shadow.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
chart.shadow.blur The blurring effect that is applied to the shadow.
Default: 3
chart.text.font The font used to render the text.
Default: Verdana
chart.text.color The color of the labels.
Default: black
chart.text.size The size of the text (in points).
Default: 10
chart.units.pre The units that the Y scale is measured in (these are preppend to the number).
Default: none
chart.units.post The units that the Y scale is measured in (these are appended to the number).
Default: none
chart.title The title of the progress bar.
Default: An empty string
chart.title.vpos This allows you to completely override the vertical positioning of the title. It should be a number between 0 and 1, and is multiplied with the gutter and then used as the vertical position. It can be useful if you need to have a large gutter.
Default: null
chart.title.color The color of the title.
Default: black
chart.tooltips An array, albeit one element only. This is shown when the progress bar is clicked on. This can contain HTML.
Default: An empty array
chart.tooltip.effect The animated effect used for showing the tooltip. Can be either fade or expand.
Default: fade
chart.labels Labels that are applied to the graph.
Default: An empty array
chart.contextmenu An array of context menu items. More information on context menus is here.
Default: [] (An empty array)
chart.annotatable Whether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively.
Default: false
chart.annotate.color If you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only colour allowed for annotations.
Default: black
chart.tickmarks.color The color used for tickmarks.
Default: black
chart.zoom.factor This is the factor that the graph will be zoomed by (bigger values means more zoom)
Default: 1.5
chart.zoom.fade.in Whether the zoomed canvas fades in or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true
chart.zoom.fade.out Whether the zoomed canvas fades out or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true
chart.zoom.hdir The horizontal direction of the zoom. Possible values are: left, center, right
Default: right
chart.zoom.vdir The vertical direction of the zoom. Possible values are: up, center, down
Default: down
chart.zoom.delay The delay (in milliseconds) between frames.
Default: 50
chart.zoom.frames The number of frames in the zoom animation.
Default: 10
chart.zoom.shadow Whether or not the zoomed canvas has a shadow or not.
Default: true
chart.zoom.background Defaulting to true, this determines whether the zoom has a dark, semi-opaque background that covers the entire web page.
Default: true
chart.arrows This stipulates that two indicator arrows are drawn. It works best if you have tickmarks off, and no title.
Default: false