RGraph: HTML5 canvas graphing library

RGraph: A HTML5 canvas graph library based on the HTML5 canvas tag

Interactive javascript canvas graphs using the HTML5 canvas tag for all platforms
First release coming soon! First release coming soon! Download the beta version Download the beta version   Bookmark with delicious Stumble! this site tweet this site Buzz this!
[Please wait for the onload event to fire...] [Please wait for the onload event to fire...] [Please wait for the onload event to fire...] [Please wait for the onload event to fire...]

Important compatibility information

This library uses HTML5 features which are implemented in recent browsers. As such you'll need to be using one of these latest browsers: Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 2+, Safari 4+, Opera 10.5+ or Internet Explorer 8.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is now (December 2009) supported in a limited fashion. You can read more about it here.

Older versions of Opera and other older browsers are supported in a limited fashion. If they don't support text or shadows these will naturally be unavailable.


Introduction to RGraph

RGraph is a HTML5 canvas graph library. It uses features that became available in HTML5 (specifically, the CANVAS tag) to produce a wide variety of graph types: bar chart, bi-polar chart (also known as an age frequency chart), donut chart, funnel chart, gantt chart, horizontal bar chart, LED display, line graph, meter, odometer, pie chart, progress bar, pseudo radar chart, scatter graph and traditional radar chart. RGraph is covered by the RGraph License.

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The latest download is below. It's a .zip file which you'll be able to download to your computer and open with Winzip (or equivalent).

[Only available on http://www.rgraph.net]


RGraph is covered by the RGraph license. A summary is that for commercial/business use there is a small one-time licensing fee to pay. For non-commercial purposes it's freely usable. There are some licensing FAQs that should help to answer any questions you might have. If you need one, you can get an invoice here.

If you have any questions about RGraph licensing, you can send your question to: licensing@rgraph.net. If your question is of a support nature though, please use the support forum.